
Where to Go & What to Do

The Most Favorite Place I Have Visited Mount Sikunir The reason why I chose Mount Sikunir was the place I liked because in there I could see the sunrise directly by waiting for 3 hours. And to be able to see it, I had to climbed Mount Sikunir for about 1 km in one hour with a temperature of 9 degrees celcius, that’s the most memorable for me. Besides, I could taste papaya from dieng, people usually called it with “Carica Dieng” which is commonly found in dieng areas that are rarely found in any area. After feeling the warm sunrise, I went down to see a very beautiful blue crater. The things I did in Mount Sikunir made me want to go back there and for me Mount Sikunir is the most beautiful place I’ve ever visited, and this place made me more grateful. The Most Favorite Place I Have Never Visited (in Real) Mecca My dream that hasn’t been achieved till right now is go to Mecca. The reason I really want to go there is because I want to perfecting one of the pillars of Is...


19 th September , 2016 Mrs. Damayanti Sales Manager Mustika Ratu & Co. Jakarta, Indonesia Subject : Request for sample product and the price. Dear Mrs. Damayanti, I am writing to inquire about the availability of Body Spa product ( olive zaitun, bath & shower gel and hand & body lotion) . I have seen the product details on your website: and I’m very interested in buying one. I appreciate If you can send me samples so I can test before taking a decision. I have confidence in your commitment to quality but part of our procurement process is to test before any purchase. I also appreciate if you could send me the price of one unit as well as discounts on bulk orders. I need to take a decision in the coming few days so it’s really very important that I receive this information as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Dinda Fauziah Warehouse Department ...


EXAMPLE OF BUSINESS LETTER :  October 28, 2017 Mr. John Doe Customer Service Representative Widgets Galore, Inc. 987 Widget Street Miami, Florida 33111 Dear Mr. Doe: I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of widgets. Approximately two weeks ago, on October 1, I ordered a total of 50 widgets for Company, Inc. via the Widgets Galore client webpage. I received an email notification two days later confirming the receipt of payment and the shipment of the widgets. According to your website, shipments should reach their destination within 3-5 business days of being sent, but I have yet to receive the widgets. Do you have any information on what may have happened to delay the shipment or where the shipment is currently? I have worked with Widgets Galore, Inc. in the past and have the greatest confidence in your products and customer service. We need the shipment of widgets soon, however, and...


PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN UU Perlindungan Konsumen Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Republik Indonesia menjelaskan bahwa hak konsumen diantaranya adalah hak atas kenyamanan, keamanan, dan keselamatan dalam mengonsumsi barang dan atau jasa; hak untuk memilih barang dan atau jasa serta mendapatkan barang dan atau jasa tersebut sesuai dengan nilai tukar dan kondisi serta jaminan yang dijanjikan; hak untuk diperlakukan atau dilayani secara benar dan jujur serta tidak diskriminatif; hak untuk mendapatkan kompensasi, ganti rugi dan atau penggantian, apabila barang dan atau jasa yang diterima tidak sesuai dengan perjanjian atau tidak sebagaimana mestinya; dan sebagainya. Di Indonesia, dasar hukum yang menjadikan seorang konsumen dapat mengajukan perlindungan adalah: 1.  Undang Undang Dasar 1945 Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 21 ayat (1), Pasal 27 , dan Pasal 33. 2. Undang Undang No. 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen (Lembara...


HUKUM PERDATA, HUKUM PERIKATAN DAN HUKUM PERJANJIAN A. HUKUM PERDATA 1.      Pengertian Hukum Perdata Hukum perdata ialah hukum atau ketentuan yang mengatur kewajiban, hak-hak, serta kepentingan antar individu dalam masyarakat yang sifatnya privat(tertutup). Hukum perdata biasa dikenal dengan hukum privat. Kasus yang bersifat privat atau pribadi seperti yang disebutkan diatas   misalnya seperti  hukum tentang warisan, hukum tentang perceraian, hukum tentang pencemaran nama baik serta hukum perikatan. Hukum perdata memiliki tujuan ialah untuk menyelesaikan konflik ataupun masalah  yang terjadi diantara kedua belah pihak. Hukum perdata terjadi jika ketika suatu pihak melaporkan pihak lain yang terkait ke pihak yang berwajib atas suatu kasus yang hanya menyangkut kedua individu tersebut. Menurut beberapa ahli hukum perdata dijabarkan sebagai berikut: a.        Sri Sudewi Masjchoen Sofwan Huku...